Ometz and the Sylvan Adams YM‑YWHA are pleased to announce a partnership supporting the creation of a new centre for at-risk youth and young adults. The Centre (name TBD) is being made possible through a generous lead gift from the Azrieli Foundation to Ometz.
Thanks to the generosity of Steven Kaplan and family, the centre will be housed in a completely renovated space on the second floor at the Sylvan Adams YM‑YWHA. Slated to open in winter, the centre will provide comprehensive services and programming to 16 to 35-year-olds, in an inclusive and community-based environment.
“Our vision at Ometz is to create an innovative community response to fill the gap in services for vulnerable youth and young adults who have or will soon ‘age out’ of the public system and have no coordinated community support,” says Gail Small, Chief Executive Officer of Ometz. “More than a physical location, the Sylvan Adams YM-YWHA offers the sense of belonging and welcoming community connection our centre hopes to offer its clients.”
“We are very excited about this partnership with Ometz,” says Marla Gold, Executive Director of the Sylvan Adams YM-YWHA. “Working in collaboration with our community partners strengthens one of the Y’s key roles as a welcoming and inclusive community centre. As well, the Y’s Inclusion Services, along with our Diller and BBYO Teen Leadership programs will have the unique opportunity to create joint programming and recreational activities to encourage participation and engagement in the new centre.”
The centre will provide a space for individuals to connect and form supportive relationships as well as training, education, employment and empowerment opportunities.