The Sylvan Adams YM-YWHA evokes many beautiful memories. Moments that shaped our lives, and those of our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. We believe that all children and their families should have access to the tools they need to stay active and connected to our Jewish heritage and traditions.
As a governor, you are planting seeds for everyone to flourish in the only centre that brings together all of Montreal’s community. Seeds of chesed (kindness) and tzedakah (justice), seeds of culture and identity. Seeds of Tikun Olam. Your mitzvah provides a safeguard for those who face daily struggles, and a place to belong for all members of our Community. Your support has been — and continues to be — essential in these difficult times. Our Y, Montreal’s JCC, is the heart of the community, offering programs for all age groups to stay engaged and maintain mental and physical health.
Endow your Governorship for life with the Legacy and Legacy Gold Governor levels.
Contact our Development Manager at 514-737-6551 ext. 568 to discuss these options.
We would like to express our sincere appreciation for the Y’s zoom Leadership program, Parent Sessions and Chaverim group. At this time of Covid-19, these programs have been a real God-send. The variety of activities keeps our son Shawn stimulated, interested, amused and happy. Your animators are amazing young people whose enthusiasm, support and praise make this experience a very positive one.
The result has been that Shawn, who is normally shy and hesitant about speaking out, has been communicating more at home and expresses his needs, wants and ideas more readily than before.
Our son has autism. Summer break is supposed to be home to some of your sweetest childhood memories. And we feared that all Peter would remember is feeling alone, not included, and out of place. Many summer camps just don’t have the resources to help autistic kids integrate. It was heartbreaking. Then we found out about the Y’s summer camp and everything changed. Through the expert support, kindness, and dedication of the counselors and staff at the Y, he’s become so much more… him. We see him eagerly participating and making friends. We see him reaching out to his peers instead of shying away from them. We see his personality emerging more and more. He wouldn’t be the ball of absolute sunshine he is without the Y. He wouldn’t feel like he belongs. He wouldn’t have a place.
Last Monday my son who is 34 years old, had the experience of going to see the Habs play. What an amazing experience for him. He not only met up with his group, who meet at the Y every Wednesday, but with other members of the Y. So, as a whole group they travelled together to the Bell centre. This what inclusiveness is about. He will not forget the rush of the game but also being part of a larger group.
Make a difference today, become a Y Governor. Call us at 514-737-6551 ext. 568 or send us an email at frd@ymywha.com.
Life Gold Governors
Jack Gitlitz Z”l
Rena & Larry Katz Z”l
David Oberman
Reevin Pearl
Thelma & Nat Rappaport Z”l
Ben Schwam Z”L
Life Governors
Lavy Becker Z”L
Max Coblentz Z”L
Cohen & Manton Family
Howard Cooper Z”L
Jack Engels Z”L
Sari Nadler Z”L
Syd Ross
Morris Schwartz Z”L
Morris Shore, C.A.
Gold Governors
Howard Berish
Rickey Blatt
Michael Frankel
Doreen Green
Albert Greenspoon
Stanley Kivenko
The Irving Ludmer Family
Jodi Mintz
Ida Pencer
George Reinitz
Jeffrey Segel
Gary D. Shapiro
Manya Stendel
Irwin Tauben
Murray Waxman Z”l
Jonathan Wener
Morty White
Chai Governors
Michael Flinker
Marvin Rosenbloom
Dr. Edward Adelson
Marilyn Avrith
Charles Benjamin
Hyman Bloom
Joan Bloom
Michael Blumenstein
Michael Caplan
Rhoda Chankowsky
Sol Chankowsky
Alice Cohen
David Cohen
The Leonard and Alice Cohen
Family Foundation
Michael Cons
Stanley Cons
Lewis Cooper
Pearl Cooper
Dr. Allan Coopersmith
Reuben Croll
Trudy Cusmariu
Marilyn Edelstein
Frank Engelberg
Robert Fainer
Linda Feldman
Solly Feldman
Lynn Garfinkle-Etinson
Geoffrey J Gelber
Alan Z Golden
Colette Golden
Shirley Goldfarb
Annette Goldman
Lionel Goldman
Murray Goodz
Linda Greenberg
Philip Greenberg
Marlene Halpert
Elaine Harris
Linda Hazen-Yanow
Armand Kessous
Jack Kivenko
Jack Klam
Arlene Kleen
Hirsh Kleen
Andrew Koenig
Leona Kostiner
Nan Lassner
Harriet Lazare
Philip C. Levi
Janis Levine
Allan Levitt
Joseph Levitt
Morris Libstug
Ben Lipes
J. Stephen Lipper
Martin Lucht
Douglas Mayoff
Sheldon Merling
Joel Milgram
Murray Morganstein
Leonard Nirenberg
Vita E. Novick
Dr. William Novick Z’l
Marvin Ostin
Joseph Paperman
Ross Paperman
Douglas Pascal
Arthur Pervin
Dr. Herbert Ptack
Dorothy Reitman
Hillel Rosen
Shirley Rosentzveig
Simon Rossdeutscher
Dr. Gerald Rudick
Lyon Sachs
Joe Schaffer
Debbie Schouela
Edouard Schouela
Sheila Schouela
Steven Schouela
Manuel Shacter
Barry Shapiro
Barbara Sheiner
Gerald Sheiner
Ronald Singer
Andrew Toeman
Edward Victor
Rhoda Vineberg
Richard Vineberg
Robert Vineberg
Barbara Wagner
Maurice Wechsler
Barbara Wenger
Sylvia Wenger
Stephen P. Yanow
Kenneth Zakuta
Barbara Zukor