Home for the Summer – Matty Copelovitch
In this news series, our staff who started off as campers years ago, share their personal journeys and stories with us to reveal the secrets that make YCC their Home for the Summer.
“I started at YCC as a two-week camper in Ridgeview 9 years ago and I am now getting ready to start my 5th summer as staff at my favourite place on earth.
I was hooked from day one. Everyone was so warm and welcoming and eager to welcome a new member into the YCC family. This is such a big part of the YCC spirit.
What makes YCC so special is that even after 9 summers at camp, the feeling of family doesn’t go away. I have worked all around camp: in Summit, Ridgeview, as a Camp Driver and this summer in the Village with the Jr CITs.
Everywhere I have worked and, every summer, the feeling of pride and family echoes through the entire camp. There is no place else that I would rather spend my summers. Every day at YCC is new, exciting and different, and that’s what makes it so special.
I can say that throughout my nine summers at camp, no two have been the same. Each one has been fun and unique in its own way. Some of my favourite things at camp are running creative programs and watching the sunset with my campers. There is nothing like a YCC sunset!
I have learnt so many valuable lessons from my time at YCC and I take great pride in helping instill those same values into my campers every summer. I truly do live 10 months for the two I get to spend at YCC.
There is no better feeling than entering those green gates on the first day of camp and seeing all of the familiar and friendly faces that have become my family over the years.”
– Matty Copelovitch