Making A Positive Impact

Even during our temporary closure the virtual programs that we offer through our Inclusions Services are making a difference in people’s lives, helping them stay connected and feel less isolated.
“Morgan participates in several of the Y’s inclusion programs. He always brings with him a positive attitude, open mind and a huge smile. It is an absolute pleasure to see him engaged and working hard during our small group training sessions and his hard work has led to some big improvements. He now performs many of the exercises with hand weights and can do many of the challenging movements on his own. ” – Deanna Little, Coordinator of Inclusion Services
As parents of a special needs individual, we are always looking for fun, interesting, stimulating and challenging activities for our son, Morgan who is now 25. And when it turns out that Morgan really enjoys the programs, we are thrilled for him and thankful that there is a place out there that really cares.
The Sylvan Adams YM-YWHA is just that type of place!
We were first introduced to the Special Needs programs offered, by participating in the YCC Tikvah Summer Camp (Aug. 2015). Matthew Selvin and his team were amazing! Setting up Morgan with a camp buddy to hang out with and for us, the parents to enjoy some camp respite and meet other families that share the same family issues.
Morgan participated next, on location at the “Y” in the one on one Small Group Fitness Training with Davide Salvoni and his incredible team (Sept.2019)! Morgan really enjoyed this interaction and felt proud of the work he was doing at the gym.
Morgan lives at home with his parents. He is legally blind so he does require a lot of one on one instruction and it helps if someone is around to be his “eyes”. Morgan was so disappointed that his little independence of going to the gym was curtailed by Covid-19.
Thankfully to the brilliance of the “Y” and the wonderful Inclusion Services Team, the Small Group Fitness training continues via zoom. Morgan participates twice a week and really enjoys it.
He also participates in the Chaverim Group and the Leadership Program which he also enjoys. Deanna Little is wonderful with the zoom attendees and she allows for everyone to participate as they wish. The Leadership and Chaverim groups are friendly, educational and enjoyable.
Morgan enjoys being with others. On his own, he enjoys playing on his IPad, drawing, writing and watching movies, mostly Disney! Morgan enjoys meeting with his voice coach, Mary and singing. Due to Covid-19, this activity is now on hold. Morgan’s favourite food is Oatmeal with peanut butter, banana and jam!
Florence Fried & Nelson Asinowski