5 Reasons To Try Small Group Training
If you want to transform your body and see tangible results in a short amount of time, you should give Small Group Training a try. In the last 5 years, SGT has grown more than any other fitness service in North America because it offers the perfect mix between group training and private training.
While group training offers little individual coaching and private training can be expensive, SGT gives you the best of both worlds. It includes all the benefits of working out in a group with others, with the opportunity for the instructor to individually coach you through the movements. You train better and see results faster!
Here are the top 5 reasons why you need to try Small Group Training:
1) Focused Coaching
SGT is offered in a group of 2-10 participants, allowing the instructor to effectively coach you through all the movements – Progressing or regressing the exercises as needed.
2) Less Expensive
SGT allows you to share the cost of private training with others, giving you the benefit of a more cost efficient training experience.
3) Use of Best Technology
You train using the Myzone app, a heart-rate-monitored belt powered by advanced technology, where a full report of your workout is provided once you’ve completed it.
4) Access to better equipment
You exercise in a private space with equipment that isn’t necessarily available in other areas of the facility.
5) You stay motivated
By working alongside others and having an instructor provide you with individual attention, SGT offer the perfect amount of motivation needed for you to succeed. It’s also quite motivating when you start seeing positive results!
Most people need guidance in the gym. It helps them achieve their goals faster. Hiring a trainer is always a great idea if you have the budget for it, however, if you don’t but still want to workout with a trainer alongside other like-minded individuals for a fraction of the cost, then Small Group Training is for you!
Sign up today and get a free trial class!